Blogger Embed KMZ Tour Gadget

Blogger Embed KMZ Tour Gadget

You can embed your Google Earth Project in your website or blog by using this Embed KMZ tour replasement gadget! This page is an attempt to replicate the functionality of the real KML Embed Gadget provided by Google, which is currentl offline. Make by Diemos Informatics,  code originally taken by  Barry Hunters Fake KML Gadget and tuned up to work with Google's Blogspot Servers. Based on this XML file.
The iframe generated by this tool, comes with absolutely NO warranty, Google could discontinue, or break the Google Earth API and/or Google Maps API v3 and/or Blogger servers, that this relies on - at any time. This feature is in no way endorsed by Google Inc.
There is also a Embed KML  Gadget Maker.

  1. Fill out the form below, with your options, and click the submit button.
  2. A new page should appear, either a 3D globe or a 2D map with your content. 
  3. If it is O.K. how it looks, copy the page URL
  4. On your site, embed in an iframe.  
    eg <iframe src="http://...." height="400" width="500"></iframe>
  5. NOTE: You can also take a copy of, and host on your own server. 
  6. There is an example available showing a page with the iframe embedded. 
  7. If you would like to embed your own Google Earth KMZ file onto your website, upload your file onto your web server, so that it is accessible online. You can also upload your file to your website or use other web pages like Google Sites
  8. To learn how to upload your KML on Google Sites, check out this User Guide article. For more information about saving your KML or KMZ file, see the Packaging Content as a KMZ tutorial.
kml_urlKMZ or KML URL (should contain a Tour)
tour_indexPlay n'th tour in file
tour_autoplayAutoplay tour
True   ·   False
show_navcontrolsShow navigation controls
True   ·   False
show_buildingsShow 3D buildings
True  ·   False
show_terrainShow terrain
True   ·   False
show_roadsShow roads
True   ·   False
show_bordersShow borders and labels
True   ·   False

In theory if have a old gadget, want to update, could just take the code like
<script src="//;up_kml_url=&amp;up_tour_index=1&amp;up_tour_autoplay=0&amp;up_show_navcontrols=0&amp;up_show_buildings=0&amp;up_show_terrain=1&amp;up_show_roads=0&amp;up_show_borders=0&amp;up_sphere=earth&amp;synd=open&amp;w=500&amp;h=400&amp;title=Embedded+Tour+Player &amp;border=%23ffffff%7C3px%2C1px+solid+%23999999&amp;output=js"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
and replace it with
<iframe src="" height="400" width="500"></iframe>
ie the paramaters are the same.

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